Habits, stories, and giving.

This week’s learning about habits was very appealing to me. Habits of success start small and little by little they become part of your daily routine. I’ve been on a personal journey lately of developing some new daily habits and starting small has been really beneficialWhen these small habits are accomplished, a celebration should happen! When you celebrate small successes, it literally helps the habit stick because your brain is associating it with something you love to do, rather than something you might hate. Anything is possible, so even if I don’t think I’m the best person to open a business (naturally), I know I can learn what I need to make successful habits and business. 

Another concept that I found so interesting is the benefits of communicating through stories. I will apply this storytelling idea with my habits thought, because I don’t think I’m a very good storyteller, but I want to learn to be better. I know if I start small and apply the tips given for telling a great story, I can get better. Stories have great power because our brain remembers them better than facts. Stories have influential powers. 1. Keep it simple. 2. Avoid cliches. 3. Incorporate elements of a powerful story. You’ll need a like-able character, drama, an “Ah ha” moment, and relatability. Does the story energize, educate, and empower? Practicing story telling with my kids is not only a great skill for me, but can also help them learn young how to create a memorable story.  

The last thing I wanted to mention was about giving back. I think this is the best thing we can learn to stay far away from the pride that many successful people have. Remembering God and helping others around us is the key to staying on a healthy path in business.  


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