The Hard Road

What stands out to me from this week's reading is Elder Holland's talk about the long hard road. Life is not going to be easy. There are going to be a lot of bumps. Things will need fixing and a lot of work will be required. Life could be pretty dang miserable if you let it be. But that's the point of his message. We have control of our perspective and when we see things from the eyes of our future selves, we can gain an added energy to get us through the hard stuff. Good things will come. 

I also like the idea of using everyday like it’s your last. I’m not sure I would be very good at this, but I have a feeling most people would say the same thing. If I was told I have cancer and don’t have much time left to live, what would I do with my time. Naturally I would probably get a bit depressed but hopefully I’d be able to snap out of the bad mood soon and be able to start making a difference. Would I want to spend time with my family, friends, or be adventurous and give back to the world.  

The last part of the study material that stood out to me was the five why’s. Let’s say you are at work, but you own the business. Something wrong happens and you need to fix it. The first question is why did this wrong thing happen? That answer leads to another question. Why did that happen and so on and on. How can the root of the problem be addressed. Taking a little bit of time out of the day that is packed full can have great outcomes by digging deeper. Do the work and the benefits will come.  


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