Intro to Business thoughts week 1

     What I've learned this week has a lot to do with finding what you love to do. When you know what you really enjoy, you can make it personal and brand it to stand out. When you find your purpose and dedicate yourself to the cause you want to make, you can hopefully make it through the really challenging times ahead because of the passion you have in place. 

I love the idea of starting with small steps to achieve big dreams. I tend to get overwhelmed with big projects but I know that when I break things down and make steps to follow, I am much more able to make progress. Having big dreams is also a challenge that many don't let themselves do. But dreaming big is a critical part of making a business flourish. Fear is a tricky thing because it can be helpful and allow us to be protected but it can also prohibit growth if it is too powerful. Living in the moment and doing the work to make a business grow is much better than letting fear keep you from making any steps towards growth. Taking one small step at a time is is more powerful than many realize and can help us make the habits to grow a successful business.

Knowing that life will not always be fair and easy is a great way to get over hurdles. When things go wrong, we can quickly learn from mistakes and turn it into a growth opportunity instead of taking things personally and dwelling in the defeat. 

One way to help get over defeat is surrounding yourself with people you can trust and work with you. Being authentic with people around you not only gives meaning to life, but it also can help group efforts which a business needs. No one can do it on their own.


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