


  • What is your attitude toward money? 

My attitude towards money is that money helps us buy the things we want and need, and I appreciate money very much! Sometimes I have what seems to be an abundance and it's easy to think I have more to spend. But with Christmas coming I am very glad we have enough to be generous towards other family members and friends. My husband is a very wise and humble person who gently helps me remember our goals of saving. We have become much more minimalist these days and it feels good not to have stuff. Money is great but like other things, when it’s obsessed over, things turn bad.  

  • How can your view of money affect the way you live? 

Money can make you a better person or it can make you a selfish person. When money is not taken advantage of and it’s spent with care, I end up having more to save. I am grateful to be able to choose how I want to help others with my money. When I see a need to help someone and I want to help them, it’s a very intimate choice that brings feelings of unity.  

When you see money as something you need, need, need, the relationship is unhealthy, and you’ll be stingy. Debt is a horrible chain that keeps you answering to another person with no freedom.  

  • What rules are recommended for prospering? 

To prosper, it’s recommended: 

“Rule 1. Seek the Lord and have hope in him Rule 2. Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing and fast offerings. Rule 3. Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant. Rule 4. Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters. Education, as President Hinckley has taught us, is the Key to Opportunity. Rule 5. Learn the laws upon which the blessings of wealth are predicated. Rule 6. Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held captive.” 

I believe that the rules need to be something you feel in your heart to make the most of a difference in your life. Be mindful of everything and have intention when earning and spending money.  


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