
This week I loved the content about building a business around trust. I whole-heartedly agree that the customer is always right, and even though some people will take advantage of this, most will not. Everyone wants and desires to be listened to and heard. To be able to provide an environment that shows a company trusts their customers can bring great rewards to everyone. Trust starts with “you” and it’s your job to start. Then other people will follow suit and trust you back. I love Amazon because I know I can return something very easily if I don’t like or change my mind. I love the comparison given that trustworthy people are Bakers. Don’t be an Eater and only focus on eating more pie than the person next to you because the pie is going to run out soon. Be the Baker and realize you can bake as many pies as you want! Opportunities don’t run out. Opportunities are created without limit. We are only in competition with ourselves.  

How I see myself applying these principles is by not only finding ways to trust customers in my future business, but also not taking things personally when something goes wrong. Deciding to trust again and again, even after someone breaks that trust is the hard part. In my life personally I have found it very difficult to get past the feelings of betrayal, but in business and in life, we really need to be able to rebound and move on as fast as possible. Don’t dwell on the hard things but let them propel you forward to better things. Being a trustworthy person and business shows character and integrity as well as humility and love. One of life’s beautiful purposes is about connecting with people and making meaningful relationships. Giving trust is a wonderful first step.


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