Good Business

 "What's a Business For?"  


  • Based on what you read in the first two pages (pages 3 and 4), why are virtue and integrity so vital to an economy? 

  • Virtue and integrity are so vital to an economy because if companies do not have the customers' trust, they will not invest their money with them. Many companies are becoming selfish and power/money hungry and when they lose integrity like this, people notice and don’t trust them to invest their money safely. The economy naturally suffers in this case if people feel better about keeping money under a mattress rather than in a bank or company. 


  • According to Charles Handy, what is the “real justification” for the existence of businesses? 

  • The real justification for business existence is to make a difference in the world. Businesses need to make enough money to carry through with this purpose. The purpose is not to make money to then make more money. The money is needed to allow the company to do good and help in the world where it can.  


  • What are two solutions proposed by Handy that you agree with? Why? 

  • One of the solutions I agree with is, “We should, as charitable organizations do, measure success in terms of outcomes for others as well as for ourselves.” Being self-centered will not help businesses have a real impact on the world for good. It may make tons of money, but it is not giving back that money to help others, it is for no good. You can make money by serving the poor and rich. 

  • The other solution is “creating new products, spreading technology and raising productivity, enhancing quality and improving service.” I agree with it because “It helps make the good things of life available and affordable to ever more people.” 


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